Sunday, August 16, 2015

#ARCAugust Week 2 Recap

Well, I sort of fail at this. Two weeks have come and gone, and not much activity can really be seen by me. But never the less, I am here to recap my past two weeks of reading.

To start with, I have managed to finish two books so far this month! Although, neither of the books I have finished are actually ARC copies, I'm hoping that throughout this month I can knock out at least a few of the Netgalley reads that I have.

So here is what I have read this month:

And a list of my Current Reads:

And now for the list I hope to read:

Alright so there is a list of all that I have read this month, and what I hope to accomplish throughout the rest of the month. Here's to hoping the other half of ARCAugust is much more productive. 

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